Wednesday, August 28, 2013

my homeless week in Provo!

This was a picture of me taken last week....I was HOMELESS!

Just kidding, that's not really a picture of me. THIS was a picture from my homeless week.

I probably shouldn't be celebrating that. It was difficult and exhausting and stressful to the point of being emotionally, physically and mentally overwhelming. I didn't eat very well, got totally sick of fast food, and didn't shower for about four days (I profusely apologize to everyone who had to interact with me during that time. Really, I'm so sorry).

But to be honest, I'm really grateful for this last week. We don't grow unless we push our limits, and while it's hard to think that during a trial, it's easier to look back and see how the experience strengthened me. I'm not just talking about how it made me more tolerant to not showering and being uncomfortable in my own skin. I learned how to be tougher, and I learned how to better accept help and ask when I needed it.

I'm a proud individual, as most people are, and if I can do something on my own I will, even if it is hard or an inconvenience. I hate the idea of anyone thinking I can't do something. I'm invincible, I can do anything, and I can tough everything out on my own. At least that's what I'd like to think about myself. But it's not true, and I was truly humbled last week, both by the number of times I needed to ask for help and the graciousness of those around me who so willingly helped.

And it did even more than just strengthen me as an individual. It was a hardcore exercise in trusting my Heavenly Father. Seriously. Hardcore. I felt firsthand his love and support through the love and support of those around me. To everyone who helped me, even if it seemed insignificant or small, it was magnified and deeply appreciated in my eyes. I was overwhelmed last week by the love and generosity of my friends, to whom I am so immensely grateful.

A dear friend of mine once likened college life to being on a roller coaster. The highs are higher, the lows are lower, and it's over before you know it. Even when life stinks and it's hard, it's so important to remember to enjoy the ride!

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