Thursday, August 1, 2013

50 things I wish I'd known before I went to college

As summer draws to a close (okay not really, but it feels like it and I'm getting back to school fever) and I prepare to begin my sophomore year at university, I've spent a lot of time thinking back on how I've changed over this year and all the wisdom I've gained. Most of my wisdom has come from screwing things up and having to learn how to do them better. The hard way, basically, which involves lots of tears, late nights and sometimes heartache and indigestion.

In an attempt to save future generations from some of my more horrible mistakes, I've made a list of the 50 things I wish I'd known before I went to college. Now you can benefit from my endless wealth of wisdom (sarcasm, people, that's sarcasm). This list is largely directed towards girls but there's stuff for everyone in here.

  1. High school did a horrible job preparing you for college. Get ready to throw almost everything you knew about people (and academics) out the window.
  2. Rice is your best friend because it is cheap, it cooks quickly and it goes with everything (not exaggerating).
  3. Sewing needles and black and white thread (bare minimum). You will use them more than you know.
  4. All-nighters don't work for homework. At all.
  5. If you don't set your own personal dating standards and rules before you ever go out with a guy, the guy will set them for you and you will regret it.
  6. Don't miss class. Seriously, bad idea. Also, go to review sessions.
  7. When you get along with your roommates, you get almost nothing done in your dorm.
  8. Get in the habit of writing in a journal every single night because you will forget the tiny but magical details to the fun nights and successful dates. Plus, you'll be amazed to look back and see how you've changed as a person.
  9. Brush your teeth every night. Just do it.
  10. Don't spend down time Netflixing. Free time should be spent being productive or napping, primarily.
  11. Sleep is a glorious thing.
  12. The college world is very, very small, so be nice. You never know when you'll end up in a class with the cousin of your former TA or the best friend of a mortal enemy.
  13. You may or may not know who you are yet. That's totally okay.
  14. If you're going on a date (especially a blind date), try to make sure at least two people know where you're going and when you expect to get back (and that they should expect a text from you at the end of the night saying you're okay).
  15. Never talk negatively about your roommate(s). Ever.
  16. Never lend/borrow money from your roommate(s).
  17. Always do thoughtful acts of service for your roommate(s). This is especially true if you don't get along very well.
  18. Have an "accountability partner" for big purchases/decisions when you're on your own.
  19. It's better to take risks than do nothing. Get out of your comfort zone!
  20. That said, use common sense.
  21. Live more. That doesn't mean the same thing for everyone! Figure out what you're passionate about and don't worry about what anyone else is doing.
  22. Being an adult is not about being serious and responsible 24/7. It's about knowing when you need to be responsible and when you can relax.
  23. Shower often.
  24. Sometimes the right connections can get you farther than a flawless transcript or resume. Build relationships with professors and don't burn bridges if you don't have to.
  25. Review your class notes right after class. It's magical for your brain.
  26. Self control. If you don't learn it, you will suffer, your grades will suffer, your social life will suffer.
  27. Make sure to take time to actually relax every once in a while. Going to one social event after another will burn you out as quickly as classes and homework will.
  28. Pranks are a great way to flirt with boy dorms (as long as you can handle potential payback).
  29. Food is also a great way to flirt (nothing like warm homemade cookies to bring the boys to your yard).
  30. Squirt guns are a fantastic way to meet people (and squirt guns are cheap!).
  31. Do your parents a favor and call them once in a while.
  32. Fruit is the best because it packs easily and can help balance you out digestively on a college diet (which is usually comprised of crap and more crap).
  33. The campus library (or another building on campus) is your best friend when you need to get away and actually study.
  34. Don't be afraid to turn off your cell phone when you're studying.
  35. Living with someone does not give you the right to tell them how to live.
  36. Respect. Find out what it means to your roommates. Sit down together and set boundaries on what you do and don't share, and establish quiet hours if you're worried about it being a problem.
  37. The more open and upfront you are with people, the fewer problems you will encounter.
  38. "Treat everyone like they're going through a trial, it will surprise you how often you were right."
  39. Don't assume that you know everything about yourself. Try something new.
  40. If you feel like you need to cut stuff out of your schedule because you're stressed out, make sure you're not cutting out homework time.
  41. If you have a part-time job and you feel like you're skimping on homework because of your job, you may be missing the point of being at college.
  42. College is wonderful because your schedule is usually pretty flexible. Some students schedule all their classes on two or three days, others take all morning classes...figure out what works best for you to optimize your efficiency as a student.
  43. Use campus resources! Academic advisement can sometimes get you hooked up with the right faculty and even opportunities like internships and stuff.
  44. Most shoes can go through a washer/dryer without any damage and they come out looking like brand new shoes!
  45. If you're struggling with feelings of inadequacy or feeling overwhelmed, so is everyone else at college. It may not feel like it, but you are not alone and you most definitely can and will pull through.
  46. Going to college means you actually need to study. If you thought you worked hard in high school, you don't know the half of it yet.
  47. Band-aids. You always end up needing them when you don't have them.
  48. "Work hard, laugh when you can, and don't dwell on things you can't change."
  49. Take pictures. Lots of pictures!
  50. Smile!
And there you have it. I guess the point of college is to be on your own, and that means you're going to learn a lot of lessons the hard way. That's okay. Remember the most important thing on that list though -- smile. Because life is too short to frown!

(photo taken from here.)

1 comment:

  1. Amen, amen, and amen. So freakin' accurate!!! I love this. And you. :)
